Sunday, August 7, 2011

Courtside Sports Bar

Life In The Cat Lane

Hollywood in the 1980s had Studio 54. Athens in the 2000s has Courtside. You could say that because this is the primary bar where the the Ohio Bobcat athletes and the people that want a piece of them tend to hang out. An evening at Courtside means you're bound to run into some campus celebrities.
I would know, I'm an ex-OU athlete myself and even after the men's swimming team got cut my teammates and I were still carousing with the other teams on the weekends here at C-Side. At Courtside you are also likely to run into athletic department groupies, these are called 'jersey chasers,' who's only ambition is to land an athlete.In addition to athletes and their groupies Courtside also attracts a wide array of people from campus, including Greeks, business majors, grad students, and as always Erol Civan.

Nights at Courtside are often wild, patrons are often packed in like sardines, the music is turned up so loud that it is almost impossible to hear what your friends are saying, and it usually takes a while to get a drink. You can find people carousing in the bar's beer garden, dancing to eardrum pulsingly loud rap and electropop music on the tables and on the dance floor, and ordering round upon round of overpriced beers, mixed drinks, and shots at the establishment's two bars. Courtside is the Mecca of the mixed shot, which is not so much a shot but a small 2 ounce sample of a fruity bitch-drink that does next to nothing to actually get you drunk. This environment will naturally create a level of jackassery, but it's just the price you have to pay if you're planning on spending your night at this particular bar. Look at the bright side, at least it's not The Crystal.

Also make sure that you tip the bartenders well, they don't take it well if you don't. Final word of advice, if that sexy tan blond in the tight black dress ignores you when you try talking to her, that's because you're not an athlete and she's an exclusive starfucker. Don't feel bad about it, she'd only make your life miserable one day.

People who would probably drink here:
Rob Gronkowski, Jay-Z, LeBron James, Cristiano Ronaldo, Misty May-Treinor, Rihanna, Mick Jagger, Drake, Michael Phelps, Nicki Minaj, Ke$ha, Russell Brand, Alex Morgan, Terrell Pryor, Candace Parker, Biggie Smalls, Cameron Diaz, Hunter S Thompson 

What to order:

Jack & Coke and a shot of Tequila

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